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#혀니토익[700~900+]토익 정리 기록용.9일차-LCRC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) 170730토익시험대비어휘표현!!! ※문제 보기 → 지문에서 표현 *toeic part3 -To check the availablility of an item → check(find out, confirm) -Expediting a shpment → expediting(rush order) -dropping by an apartment → dropping by(stop by, visit) -At a farm → crop -It is missing some information → However, It does not indicate the exact time. -exchange, change, transfer → swap *toeic part4 -coupon → Also, voucher -seafood .. 2017. 7. 22.
#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.8일차-LC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *toeic voca -walk past the King Phillip monument -has always been committed to the highest precautions of workmanship and safety *part3-4패러프레이징 -new employees will be hired → I've hired a few extra woodworkers - all experienced -later today → this after noon -A business is understaffed. → Some of the other servers called out sick today. -To get new business → got five supermarkets to agree to ca.. 2017. 7. 21.
#혀니토익[700~800+]토익 정리 기록용.8일차-LC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *toeic part4 패러프레이징 -launch(release, introduce)a new project -considering → thinking about -hiring a new vendor → changing coffee providers(seller, suppliers) -be not working → out of order -a competition → bicycle race -the street that runs in front of the Main Entrance *추가포인트(part5 구조+동사) -the reasonably(부사) priced(형용사) high(형용사) quality business attire(복합명사) -make its departments(명사) less was.. 2017. 7. 21.
#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.8일차-RC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *토익독해 빈출표현 -list, program → detail, information -offers ample room → may suit needs -a corrected agreement → a document -alternative → different -l am following up on → to resend a previous estimate -scheduled to be released on March 20, will be a success → It will be available in March. -towels → items -several / across / a host of / around → multiple 2017. 7. 20.
#혀니토익[700~800+]토익 정리 기록용.8일차-RC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *attached (첨부된) -enclosed(동봉된), qualified(적합한), motivated(활발한) *experienced=skilled, seasoned *in 1. 소속의 in → store in/at 2. 전층의 in → major in 3. 관심의 in → be interested in 4. 색깔의 in → Men in Black 5. 서면의 in → in writing 6. in 동사ing → , 동사ing ~하는데 있어서 7. 변화의 in → a change in, shift in *even 1. 형용사 : 반반한(=smooth) -You need an even surface to work on. 2. 형용사 : (변화가 많지 않고) 고른 (일정한) -an even temperat.. 2017. 7. 20.
#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.7일차-LC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *토익어휘빈출표현 -moderately successful 좀 성공적인 -unless otherwise indicated unless indicated otherwise -regardless of [which party has had a majority] → 명사절을 목적어로 갖는 전치사 :~에 관계없이 2017. 7. 19.
#혀니토익[700~800+]토익 정리 기록용.7일차-LC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *toeic voca 빈출표현 -unfavorable/inclement/severe weather conditions -optional donations 선택적 기부 -a thorough understanding 철저한 이해 *not working properly =break down, broken, out of order, malfunction *추가 빈출표현 -visit 방문하다 → come over, come by -decline → turn down -submit → turn in, hand in -introduced → launched, released -ask about → inquire -ask to/for N → request 2017. 7. 19.
#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.7일차-RC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *to ~ing -헌신/공헌하다 : be committed to ~ing/be devoted to ~ing/be dedicated to ~ing contribute to ~ing -고대하다(기다리다) : look forward to ~ing -반대하다 : object to ~ing = be opposed to ~ing -~에 관하여 : when it comes to ~ing -~에 대한 대안 : an alternative to ~ing -~에 익숙하다 : be accustomed to ~ing -게다가 : in addition to ~ing -~에 앞서 : prior to ~ing *prohibit prohibit, prevent, ban, keep, stop + 명사 from ~ing =refrain(.. 2017. 7. 18.
#혀니토익[700~800+]토익 정리 기록용.7일차-RC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *토익필수 숙어 -convey one's apologies to B : B에게 사과를 전하다.(Express) -for want(=shortage)of ~ : ~의 부족으로, 결핍때문에 -hook up : 설치하다, (전원)에 연결하다 -line up(=be lined up 예약되다) : 예약하다 (reserve) -look for ~ : ~을 찾다.(find out, seek) -look over : ~을 조사/검토하다 (overhaul) -needless to say : 말할 필요도 없이 -pull down : 끌어 내리다 -pull off : ~를 뽑다 -pull overtime : 초과근무를 하다 -pull together : 협력하여 일하다 *identify 1. 확인하다(알아보다) → Pass.. 2017. 7. 18.
#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.5일차-LC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) Part3,4 지문 어휘 *alternative(대안) -different, detour, instead, another, other *discount(할인) -mark down, on sale, price concession, special package, special offer *event(행사) -party, game, excursion, camping, award, meeting, conference, honor, function, operation *award 1. 상 - win an award for ~에 대한 상을 받다. 2. 수여하다 (4형식 동사) 동사 + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어 -award A(사람) B(사물) = award B to A (A에게 B를 수여하다) *추가포인트 -be .. 2017. 7. 13.