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#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.8일차-LC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *toeic voca -walk past the King Phillip monument -has always been committed to the highest precautions of workmanship and safety *part3-4패러프레이징 -new employees will be hired → I've hired a few extra woodworkers - all experienced -later today → this after noon -A business is understaffed. → Some of the other servers called out sick today. -To get new business → got five supermarkets to agree to ca.. 2017. 7. 21.
#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.2일차-LC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-의선샘) *paraphrasing -decline (=turn down) *기타표현 -be referring to (언급) -there's always room for improvement -lf we want to be competitive -time for the last departure *part4 Q)------main topic--- (전반부) Q)who most likely---(연상) business (A)business owner *추가어휘 -conduct tours -사람 주어 will be leading the orientation for new employees -retain a copy of all of their transactions -before entering the factory... 2017. 7. 6.
#혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.2일차-RC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *account 1. 계정(계좌) 2. 신용=credit 3. 기사=story, article, feature 4. 손님=patron, loyal customer, frequent customer 동사 5. account for = describe, explain, detail, illustrate, elaborate 6. be accounted(be regarded / considered / thought of / looked upon) 7. be accountable for = be responsible for, be in charge of, be liable for + 숫자 *part6 1. 연결어 : 중간에 → 그러나 however, but, yet 2. 연결어 : 마지막 → 따라서 therefo.. 2017. 7. 5.