728x90 Prohibit1 #혀니토익[900+]토익 정리 기록용.7일차-RC(※ybm강남 올킬토익-롸연샘) *to ~ing -헌신/공헌하다 : be committed to ~ing/be devoted to ~ing/be dedicated to ~ing contribute to ~ing -고대하다(기다리다) : look forward to ~ing -반대하다 : object to ~ing = be opposed to ~ing -~에 관하여 : when it comes to ~ing -~에 대한 대안 : an alternative to ~ing -~에 익숙하다 : be accustomed to ~ing -게다가 : in addition to ~ing -~에 앞서 : prior to ~ing *prohibit prohibit, prevent, ban, keep, stop + 명사 from ~ing =refrain(.. 2017. 7. 18. 이전 1 다음 LIST